General partner

GC Samolet
Samolet group specializes in implementing large-scale projects for integrated development of territories and provides the construction of social infrastructure facilities simultaneously with the first stages. The company was rated ACRA BBB+ (prognosis "positive") and NKR (outlook "stable").
Since its foundation, the company has commissioned more than 1.73 million square meters of real estate. The project portfolio is more than 12 million square meters and continues to grow.
General partner

The ROTA Group of Companies comprises more than 30 enterprises and the scope of the group of companies is constantly expanding.
Premium partner

С августа 2022 года FONBET – титульный партнер Кубка России по футболу. Компания увеличила призовой фонд турнира, сделав его одним из самых крупных в Европе.
Также с 2020 года FONBET – официальный спонсор ПФК ЦСКА. За время сотрудничества клуб и букмекер реализовали ряд совместных акций. С ноября 2024 года на ВЭБ Арена открылась премиум-зона FONBET BAR.
Большое внимание компания уделяет благотворительным и социальным проектам, которые были выделены в отдельное направление в 2020 году и реализуются под брендом ДоброFON. С тех пор было реализовано более 200 социально значимых проектов по оказанию адресной помощи не только спортивным организациям, но и больницам, домам престарелых, детским домам, интернатам и приютам, реабилитационным центрам, а также ветеранам ВОВ и спорта.»

ПСБ предлагает широкий спектр услуг для розничных и корпоративных клиентов, в том числе для предприятий ОПК, малого и среднего бизнеса, включающих расчетно-кассовое обслуживание, различные программы кредитования и сбережения, брокерские и инвестиционные услуги на финансовых рынках, лизинговые и факторинговые операции, зарплатные проекты и дистанционные сервисы.
Региональная сеть банка насчитывает более 300 офисов и порядка 8,6 тыс. банкоматов (включая банкоматы банков-партнеров) по России.
Official partner

Agro-industrial holding company "ROTA-AGRO"
ROTA-AGRO is one of the largest milk producers in the Moscow region. The holding unites eight agricultural enterprises engaged in dairy and meat farming, sheep farming, crop production, vegetable cultivation and cheese production. ROTA-AGRO operates on the principle of "from field to counter", produces high-quality food products and makes them available to the Russian consumer. ROTA-AGRO's own feed base is the basis of the livestock sector of the agroholding.
The ROTA-AGRO agricultural machinery park has more than 70 units of modern self-propelled and trailed vehicles and is regularly replenished. All agricultural machinery is connected to the web monitoring system. The service helps to effectively plan and control work in the fields, optimize the cost of growing crops.
The agroholding supports the state import substitution program and creates a domestic product of the highest quality for Russian consumers. At the experimental cheese factory, ROTA-AGRO produces ten types of elite varieties of cheese from sheep, goat and cow's milk using the best French, Italian and Spanish technologies.

All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "BOEVOE BRATSTVO"
At the origins of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "BOEVOE BRATSTVO" were all-Russian, interregional and regional veterans' public associations that gathered veterans and disabled people of the army, navy, border service, intelligence, special forces and law enforcement agencies under their banners.
Today, "BOEVOE BRATSTVO" continues to support initiatives and projects in social sphere aimed at improving the level of social protection of veterans, organizing interaction with authorities on issues of preserving civil peace and protecting the constitutional order, improving the system of participation in patriotic education of young people, protecting the heroic history of the Fatherland, participating in the development and implementation of projects on preserving historical memory and countering falsification of the country's history, implementing projects to provide humanitarian and charitable assistance to war victims and citizens in difficult life situations.

The T-Shirt Gives Life Foundation
The mission of the T-Shirt Gives Life charity Foundation is to help children in hospitals and orphanages find hope by uniting professional athletes. The Foundation gives children the opportunity to communicate with athletes inside a hospital or an orphanage, and also organizes visits to central sports events for them. A good mood helps children recover faster, and their parents feel happier.